Ilford HP5 Plus Black and White Negative Film ISO 400 (120 Roll Film)


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Ilford HP5 PLUS is the film you've been looking for. This product has a lot of positive feedback from experienced photographers.

Ilford HP5 Plus is a well-known versatile film. Thousands of people prefer this material, which is suitable for versatile use in different shooting conditions. This film, panchromatic with its particularly wide exposure tolerance, is very popular. This is due to the following:

  • Material provides good contrast for better overall control
  • Affordable cost
  • Responds well to pressure handling
  • Simple development algorithm
  • It has fine grain in all lighting conditions

Our Take on the Ilford HP5 PLUS:

The HP5 PLUS is a popular product that is rated at ISO 400. The manufacturer that produces negatives with super sharpness has done everything possible to make it easier to use. Material responds well to deep machining. Popular HP5 Plus is a perfect flexible film. This type is ideal for use in general applications. Experienced photographers recommend this for different conditions. The famous HP5 is a perfect film with different contrasts. This product is excellent for reportage, travel, documentary, and sports. People also prefer HP5 for dynamic and indoor photography. The wide exposure width makes this material a great choice for newbies returning to the cinema. Once you take your pedal shot you will understand this.

It’s a sensitive film that works well for most applications, but is especially recommended for sports photography and when available light is limited. People can find a lot of reviews about this stuff. Most photographers backup their comments with shots. This material has good grain, sharp edges, and depth of tone for perfect magnification. The HP5 PLUS can be processed by a wide variety of tanks. The most important features:

  • High sensitivity ISO 400
  • Wide exposure latitude
  • Excellent results in a different conditions
  • Available in 35mm film, 120 rolls and sheet film

The HP5 PLUS is a popular product that much more than meets the eye. Thousands of people have seen the benefits of the material. A true benchmark for this film used by consumers alike and most professionals, the HP5 is one of the most affordable today. If you're looking for a versatile film that can withstand rough processing and still produce amazing results, this may be the only you'll ever need. Film has a nominal sensitivity of ISO. This material can be developed in standard chemistry. Order this item today to improve your craft. Taking good pictures has never been easier.


Manufacturer: Ilford
Film Format: 120
Film Type: Panchromatic B&W Negative
Film Speed: ISO 400
Film Processing: Standard Black and White Chemistry
Film Base: Acetate
Number of Rolls: 1
Layer Thickness: 110.0 µm
Package Weight: 0.06 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) : 3.05 x 1.25 x 1.1

Included in the box:

  • Ilford HP5 PLUS

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Ilford HP5 Plus Black and White Negative Film ISO 400 (120 Roll Film)
